Are you in?
Are you ready to help build a more inclusive and diverse literature and book world in Europe? By joining the Every Effort Matters movement, you show your commitment to others and inspire them to do the same. Together we can create opportunities for literature that values all readers and is there for everyone, no matter what our differences are.
This is what we believe
Diversity and inclusion are often at the centre of debate. We know this can result in hesitation, making us avoid the discussion. But we still need to have that discussion. If we set aside our hesitancy we can make real change happen, step by step.
Its's about all of us
Diverse and inclusive stories help us to broaden our view of the world – because diversity is everywhere and concerns every one of us. It’s all about different and multiple cultures, about skin colour, and about disability, whether mental or physical, visible or invisible. It’s about gender and sexuality and socio-cultural background, and a good deal more besides. It’s about all of us, including you.
A hundred and one tips
This platform is designed to do more than just encourage the literary sector to invest in diversity and inclusion. It offers a hundred and one tips for getting started, and as many tools to help you put your commitment into action.
Your effort matters
Whether an author, a translator, a publisher, a librarian or another player in the literary field, each and every one of us has their own specific context, presenting specific limitations and opportunities to work on more diversity. We don’t expect you to change the world by yourself, but we do believe we can stand on each other’s shoulders. Whatever you do, you’ll be making a contribution. Your effort matters.
Never stop learning
Are you eager to join the debate, or do you want to add or share something? We invite you to enter into dialogue with us and with each other. All of us, including the team behind this platform, are engaged in a learning process. We never stop learning.
Build a more inclusive book world
Are you ready to help build a more inclusive and diverse literature and book world in Europe? Your Effort Matters!
✔ Are you convinced that our self-esteem is enhanced when we recognize ourselves in stories?
✔ Do you want to help make the European literary sector more inclusive and diverse?
✔ Are you willing to join the debate and share what you’ve learnt?
✔ Would you like to get access to insights and tips on diversity and inclusion in the book industry?
✔ Do you believe that together we can come up with better answers and that your effort matters?
Check, check, check? Join the movement, get inspired and share your tips!
Join the movement!
Are you ready to join the Every Effort Matters movement and show your commitment? As a member, you indicate that you are willing to help make the European literature sector more inclusive and diverse. In other words, according to your capabilities and opportunities, you want to make a difference. You commit yourself to contributing to the book sector of tomorrow, a book sector for and by everyone. So: are you in?